This blog is all about my adventures in Italy! I will be spending one semester (3 months) in Grosseto, Italy. I will be posting pictures and stories for all of you who want to keep up with me!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Mi Dispiace
Means I'm sorry - I'm sorry I haven't written much! I get a little busy. This week wasn't that eventful, aside from the fact that I went to Florence yesterday, and this past weekend I went to a small town festival with Sammy's mom, and then hung out with a bunch of Italians at the chocolate festival in Grosseto. That's when I bought the cutest little chocolate mice for the Childers kids - only to discover that they were filled with burning alcohol.. oops! They had all these weird chocolate shapes, including those nasty teeth... hahaha. Anyway, Joel's getting here tomorrow, and I'm having trouble thinking about anything else!! :-) Oh ya, and it was Elizabeth's birthday... she's so CUTE! I totally love her :-) <3
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Perugia e Terni
Anyway, I'm hoping to go south, maybe to Naples this weekend, but we'll see. Miss you all! <3 :-)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Siena - Autobus
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Amica = Friend. Tonight I went to the city center and hung out with Samantha and her two friends Carmen and Rita. They didn't speak English but could understand me most of the time and I could understand them most of the time. Sammy did a lot of translating :-) It was SO fun, though. We went shopping, and the girls would make fun of people's outfits and talk about hot guys, hahaha... I guess that doesn't change between cultures! I also discovered that I am an Italian "redneck"... I guess Italians in the south speak a dialect, not the "formal" Italian that the Tuscans speak, and they are poorer (All the fashion comes from Rome and North of Rome), and I guess my name is an Italian redneck name! haha. But it was ok, because all 3 girls were also from the south. Haha. It was awesome to hang out with friends for a night - and I'm really excited about really getting involved in some things and traveling pretty soon here, so YAY! Well, it's past midnight so I'm gonna go to bed, but I still miss you all! :-)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Chiesa = Church. Today Sammy came back from Rome and she brought me to her youth group - it was interesting and fun to meet some Italian teenagers. They sang worship songs, which was cool to sing in Italian. Tomorrow Sammy and her friends are going to bring me shopping - her friends don't speak English, so it's interesting! Fun to hang out with some people my age, though. Other than that I've just been trying to make travel plans and get the Christmas play going - it's looking good so far... oh ya, and homework... fun stuff. But URG I can't wait for Joel to get here... hahaha... can't help it... Miss you all!
Monday, October 11, 2010
BABY GIRL!!!! Lilly Ann was born October 11th, 2010 at 10:44am. She weighs 3050 grams... don't ask me what that is, cuz I have nooo clue. So that's what I've been doing today - babysitting... It went pretty well, except for when Emma ran down the stairs and hit her head on the railing - made a huge dent in her head and it bled quite a bit... What a great babysitter, right? But now I'm exhausted and not quite ready to do this again tomorrow - but the kids are sweeties so I can make it through :-) Guess I'm not quite mother material yet, haha... I keep trying to post pictures of the city center where I read and shop, but it isn't letting me... weird. I guess I'll put them on Facebook. Anyway, I'll update more later, I've just been waiting for the baby the last couple of days - but then Kelly's labor started at 7 am and she had the baby within 4 hours... they left for the hospital at 10! craaaazy... Anyway, miss you all!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Cioccolata e Fragola
Cioccolata e Fragola = Chocolate and Strawberry... Awesome flavors of Gelato :-) Yesterday I rode my bike to the market... all by myself :-) The market is just outside the city center, and all the businesses in Grosseto (and beyond) set up booths and sell things for cheap(er). So I set out on my bike at about 11:30 and finally arrived at the city center at 12:30... and looked around for a half an hour before the market closed at 1... Then I sat down at a bar (keep in mind, Italian bars are American cafes) and figured out how to order something... It was tough, haha. In the middle of the city center (the walled part of the city) there is a wide open space with a statue of the founder of the city and an old church, typical Roman beauty built somewhere around the 1400s - so renaissance architecture. Needless to say, it was beautiful, and I read a book for a couple hours while sitting in the sun. Then I got hot so I found an open gelato shop and got, yes, you guessed it - Cioccolata e Fragola... YUM! Then I wandered the streets, but sadly shops in Italian are open from 8 - 12 or 1 or so, then they CLOSE for a couple hours and open again at about 4:30... although they are all totally different hours. Sometimes restaurants don't open until 7... which would be an early supper for an Italian... So I just looked at all the closed shops and admired the beauty :-) I feel pretty out of place at times - I mean all the women, ALL the women wear skinny jeans, heels or boots, and yes, they are already wearing scarves. Literally everyone. I saw a 70 year old woman in skinny jeans, hahaha. It's kinda funny, but you know that's what's next in America... Then I left, and it took me 15 minutes to bike home. YES I got lost on the way there... it was crazy... And a bike is like a car there, so you have to be brave and ride with traffic... pretty scary! Anyway, I'm just chilling in my room doing homework now, but tonight we're going to the pastor's house for supper. Miss you all so much, keep writing!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Santo Dio
Santo Dio = Holy God... Just a few quick updates - today a guy came to the door and changing something that had to do with gas and electric bill. He asked Paul if he was an American and why he was here. When Paul told him about the Baptist church (this was all in Italian of course), the boy began to ask lots of questions, wondering what the difference is between the Jehovah's Witnesses and Baptists. He is currently studying with Jehovah's witnesses and wanted to know. Paul explained that we use a different Bible, one that doesn't have interpretation adjustments. The boy was very interested and got Paul's email address so he could prove to Paul from our Bible that Jesus was not God! Good luck with that one :-) It was an incredible conversation to listen to, and with my Spanish and limited Italian I was able to make out what happened most of the time, while baking a chocolate cake... trust me, baking in Europe is ten times harder!!! But it turned out ok :-) AND I am so excited about the Christmas Program - Kelly kind of put me in charge of it, so I'm writing a script and picking out songs... I just translated (well, Paul did) The Gospel Song into Italian, and of course I have to adjust the melody, but I think that will be a great witnessing tool in the program. They say that the Christmas service is their biggest service of the year, so I'll be praying for that! I'll write the Italian words to the song here, if anyone's interested :-) Miss you all!
Santo Dio con amore divento
Uomo perfetto e la colpa mia porto
Sulla croce i miei peccati strappo
Con la sua morte vita nuova c'e l'ho
LOVE that song - as you can see, it is MUCH longer in Italian, haha.
Santo Dio con amore divento
Uomo perfetto e la colpa mia porto
Sulla croce i miei peccati strappo
Con la sua morte vita nuova c'e l'ho
LOVE that song - as you can see, it is MUCH longer in Italian, haha.
Friday, September 24, 2010
YEP that's Italian for McDonalds... they just don't say the S. AND YES I went to McDonalds... Don't hate me, it was awesome and it's the first time in my LIFE that I've gone to McDonalds, gotten a meal, and eaten all the fries. It was that good... sometimes you need a little taste of the familiar I guess. Anyway, I haven't done much, we went to the market yesterday and other than that I've just been doing homework and hanging out here. Meanwhile I'm trying to plan a trip to Venice... and later Paris and London... We'll see!!! Miss you all, keep writing!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Meanwhile I have been doing lots of schoolwork and God has been working in my through my devotions and my classes. I know that learning complete dependence on Him will always be an uphill climb, but I couldn't be in a better place to do that. It's nice that it is so incredibly gorgeous here though :-) Thank you all for your prayers and notes - seriously I LOVE hearing from people even if I don't always have time to write back right away! Love you guys! Time to go to bed :-)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Today was another crazy day - after getting woken up in the morning by the usual adorable chorus of high-pitched "Mawy Wose! Mawy Wose!" Samantha (the pastor's niece) took me to the market that happens every Thursday - it was a "slow" Market day because kids had started school on Wednesday, but I found out where to find all the good stuff and that Italian kids have 5 years of high-school, sign for their own absences after they turn 18 (aka they basically skip whenever they want without their parents knowing), have school Monday - SATURDAY, but get out at 1... so ya that was interesting. Also, Kelly wants a phone so she is going to get one and let me use it while I'm here, yay, so I'll have an alarm clock and a way to talk to Joel when he gets here :-) Then I did some homework and went to church for the first time since I arrived, and didn't understand a word of the service and had cute little Emma cuddling in my lap the whole time with several other kids hanging around... and on... me. haha. Then I had some real, delicious Italian Pizza! So good. Then Kelly and I had Italian hot chocolate - which is like warm pudding-milk, and she taught me how to knit really cool things - she's pretty awesome at it haha. So, that's my whole day.... in case anyone was wondering. Tomorrow morning I am going to go help a woman can tomato sauce - every year she makes a YEAR supply of tomato sauce with her home-grown tomatoes... so yaya I should learn A LOT! And David's horse show is tomorrow - he's such a cutie and I hope it goes well!
That said, I do miss everyone back home! Different time zones and I guess the vast distance between here and the states makes me feel sooo far away. But I have never felt such a need for people that I'm close to and only had God to turn to - And I'm so thankful that God is showing to me how dependent I am on other people - my prayer for my own growth in this semester is that God becomes my complete dependency. That I love other people and want to be near them but that GOD is the ONLY One I NEED. Anyway, that has really been on my heart lately, and I guess my prayer request right now. I love you all and can't wait to see you again! Arrivaderci!
That said, I do miss everyone back home! Different time zones and I guess the vast distance between here and the states makes me feel sooo far away. But I have never felt such a need for people that I'm close to and only had God to turn to - And I'm so thankful that God is showing to me how dependent I am on other people - my prayer for my own growth in this semester is that God becomes my complete dependency. That I love other people and want to be near them but that GOD is the ONLY One I NEED. Anyway, that has really been on my heart lately, and I guess my prayer request right now. I love you all and can't wait to see you again! Arrivaderci!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bella Italia
Today was a busy day - I babysat in the morning and painted Elizabeth and Evalyn's nails (the two youngest). we kinda hung out in the morning and I worked on homework in the afternoon. At 5, we headed to the stables to watch David (the oldest boy) practice horse riding, since he gets to be in some show, riding out with the Italian flag! Then we went to a beautiful ancient town on a hill on the coast called Castiglioni? something like that. You could see the coast of Elba from the castle-like town, it was gorgeous... but why write about it when you have pictures? Click on my slideshow to the right if you want to see some more pics!
Monday, September 13, 2010
I miss...
I miss ice... is that weird? I forgot that they don't use ice here. But mostly I just miss everybody back home. I have jet lag still and a lot of unpacking to do, but I love hearing from you all!
There are fighter jets that fly above the condo here all day - it's super loud but they do tricks and stuff so that's cool. And I had hot chocolate last night - it borders on chocolate pudding, suuuper yummy. I went to the grocery store and it's so funny to randomly see hello kitty stuff. And they play American music half the time so that's annoying. Whenever Kelly goes anywhere she gets stopped because the Italians are obsessed with her blonde kids - and the fact that she has more than two. I mean we only had two of them today (and she's pregnant) so people kept stopping her. Pretty funny. Anyway I'm FINALLY going to start unpacking, but I miss you all!
There are fighter jets that fly above the condo here all day - it's super loud but they do tricks and stuff so that's cool. And I had hot chocolate last night - it borders on chocolate pudding, suuuper yummy. I went to the grocery store and it's so funny to randomly see hello kitty stuff. And they play American music half the time so that's annoying. Whenever Kelly goes anywhere she gets stopped because the Italians are obsessed with her blonde kids - and the fact that she has more than two. I mean we only had two of them today (and she's pregnant) so people kept stopping her. Pretty funny. Anyway I'm FINALLY going to start unpacking, but I miss you all!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Jet Lag
I feel like I haven't slept in 78 hours - which is not quite true but OH I could use some sleep right now! It's hard to enjoy my new surroundings when I can't sit down without my eyes glazing over... But hey, if I make it a few more hours I can get some precious, precious sleep!!
That said, somehow I made it off the airplane, got my luggage, and found Kelly and Elizabeth (her youngest daughter). Then we drove from Rome to Grosseto, where I have been the past six hours or so. I met the whole family at their condo, and then took a nap only to wake up even more tired than before. Why is that, that sleep only served to make me more tired? At this point I am missing everyone back home very very much, but I'm sure that I will get busier and more excited later in the week when my brain allows me to think clearly. For now I will muddle through the best that I can. Grosseto is beautiful but a lot bigger than I thought. Tonight we are probably going to walk around the center of the city, and than I will see a little more. Until then - be glad you got a good night's sleep!
That said, somehow I made it off the airplane, got my luggage, and found Kelly and Elizabeth (her youngest daughter). Then we drove from Rome to Grosseto, where I have been the past six hours or so. I met the whole family at their condo, and then took a nap only to wake up even more tired than before. Why is that, that sleep only served to make me more tired? At this point I am missing everyone back home very very much, but I'm sure that I will get busier and more excited later in the week when my brain allows me to think clearly. For now I will muddle through the best that I can. Grosseto is beautiful but a lot bigger than I thought. Tonight we are probably going to walk around the center of the city, and than I will see a little more. Until then - be glad you got a good night's sleep!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Here I am, sitting very much alone in the Cleveland airport. In about 4 hours I leave for New York - a lucky place to fly on September 11th. The airport keeps playing footage from that day, which only helps comfort me of course...
In only a few short hours I will be arriving in Rome - to see what my life will be like for the next 3 months! Exciting, scary, but honestly this is one good way to stretch my trust in the Sovereign God - Because only He knows what's ahead of me! So here's my last deep breath before I hit Italy!
In only a few short hours I will be arriving in Rome - to see what my life will be like for the next 3 months! Exciting, scary, but honestly this is one good way to stretch my trust in the Sovereign God - Because only He knows what's ahead of me! So here's my last deep breath before I hit Italy!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
So, today I realized that the middle girl in the Childers family (the missionaries I will be staying with) is named Evalyn... just like my Evelyne! I thought that was interesting, since you don't here that name too often...
Anyway, so excited to leave in just a few days! Desperately trying to be prepared!!!!
Anyway, so excited to leave in just a few days! Desperately trying to be prepared!!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Evelyne Grace
This might be a strange post to begin my blog with, but I can't help but begin by lamenting the fact that I will not see my new niece, Evelyne Grace, until I arrive back in the states in December. SO SAD! She was born September 6th, only 3 days after I came back to Northland. So little Evelyne, I can't wait to meet you very very soon!
That said, I leave for Italy in only 3 days! It is strange and a little scary, but soon I'll be posting pictures of my new life away from America :-)
That said, I leave for Italy in only 3 days! It is strange and a little scary, but soon I'll be posting pictures of my new life away from America :-)
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